Thursday, December 13, 2007

Exam # 4-2

The historical conditions in Germany in the early 1930's shows that they needed a leader and the Nazis step up to clam power. The conditions were bad and that some one needed to step in and help out the country. People thought that Nazis were good people and decided they would help.

They made every one believe that Jews were bad people because there was a Jewish person ruining around where the fire happened drunk. They made Camps to take the Jews and kill them jest because the Nazis said they were bad. Hitler took this power because it was a start to his plans to rule the world.

After a while people were getting scared of Hitler because of what he was to the Jews and they has vary little money. When people started to realize what was happening they wanted to help but were scared of what will happened to them if they stood up to the Nazis. When other countrys steped in then the German started to step up and helped.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Exam #4-1

In the Russian Revolution and the French Revolution had poor economics. In the Russian Revolution the money was so worthless that they were using it to wall paper there walls. It took French people all of there money to jest buy them self's bread.

In the RR(Russian Revolution) the leader was Gzar Nicholas II. He was a bad leader because the economy was vary bad and he didn't try to fix it. In the FR(French Revolution) the leader was King Louis. He also was a vary bad leader because the economy was vary bad too here. The partying for RR was Rasputin and for the FR the partying was Marie Antonette.

The Result for the RR was that Gzar Nicholas II was Stalin in power. The Result for the FR was that Napoleon gain power. When Stalin and Napoleon took over in there own countrys that jest made thing a bigger mess.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Battle of Stalingrad

1.He was vary violent about stuff. All he cares about is him self.
2.He sacrifice his own people even though he and Stalin make a pact.
3.All they talked about was that the German was monsters and beast and that they were going to kill them.
4.It was hard to live because they has barley any money and little food and some even ate each other.
5.They used terrorist and sniper to kill people. And today we use the same thing.
6.Ben Laden is a sniper like Vasily.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Slavery Project Essay

Slaves had no freedom at all and they had to work with out making any money. They worked in the field and sleep in 1 room and there might of been 20 to 40 slave in the room. They got little sleep and little food. They worked in the fields from 6am to 12am. The work they did was framing, cleaning and a lot of cooking. The slaves made little graden out side the room they sleep in so they don't have to eat roting food. They chop corn, whaet, plow the fields and if they don't work or if they are slow they are wipped or beten. They somtimes had to go into the woods and cut trees down jest because they made a mistake. The owner would take them out into the woods and find the biggest tree and give the slave a ax tell him to cut the tree down. The owner would put a dog with the slave and if the slave tryed to leave the dog would bite the slave.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Exam #2

The Columbian Exchange transformed the world in a more radical (Extreme) way than any other development in world history. One significant effect of this process ( was the establishment of the Triangle Trade. While many factors were a part of the Triangle Trade, the rapid growth in both supply and demand for new commodities was the largest motivating element. This time period may be best associated with economic developments, but it is impossible to analyze this period without considering the intense social impact that the Triangle Trade had on those involved. In truth, a full understanding can only be gained by appreciating how economic and social factors impact each other in history.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


People are killing each other. One person is dead on the ground. looks like there is a mob all round the fights. Bricks are on the ground they probably destroyed a build. one guy looks like the leader.

The soldiers are getting ready for the war or a fight. The towns people are out there greeting them Good-By with flowers. Some soldiers are on hoses in the background. the soldiers have swords and some guns. there is a cannon in the background and it looks like it aiming for the bridge.

The guy has a dead guys head in his hand and is showing the public that the guy has his head cut off. The guys body is on the Guillotine with the guys round his body. In the crowds the soldiers with long poles that has a spear on the ends.

All the pitchers has people dieing or getting ready for the war. there is a lot of fighting going on. but in most of the pitchers there is soldiers in them. this shows what the French revoulition was like.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The person is going to DIE. She is going to lose her head. Every one is there watching. Looks like there is gards there to.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Global Slavery

Topic:Global Slavery
Angle:types of work
Medium: tri-fold

Friday, September 7, 2007


yes I like to use computers in class it is a lot better then using paper and pen.