Thursday, December 13, 2007

Exam # 4-2

The historical conditions in Germany in the early 1930's shows that they needed a leader and the Nazis step up to clam power. The conditions were bad and that some one needed to step in and help out the country. People thought that Nazis were good people and decided they would help.

They made every one believe that Jews were bad people because there was a Jewish person ruining around where the fire happened drunk. They made Camps to take the Jews and kill them jest because the Nazis said they were bad. Hitler took this power because it was a start to his plans to rule the world.

After a while people were getting scared of Hitler because of what he was to the Jews and they has vary little money. When people started to realize what was happening they wanted to help but were scared of what will happened to them if they stood up to the Nazis. When other countrys steped in then the German started to step up and helped.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Exam #4-1

In the Russian Revolution and the French Revolution had poor economics. In the Russian Revolution the money was so worthless that they were using it to wall paper there walls. It took French people all of there money to jest buy them self's bread.

In the RR(Russian Revolution) the leader was Gzar Nicholas II. He was a bad leader because the economy was vary bad and he didn't try to fix it. In the FR(French Revolution) the leader was King Louis. He also was a vary bad leader because the economy was vary bad too here. The partying for RR was Rasputin and for the FR the partying was Marie Antonette.

The Result for the RR was that Gzar Nicholas II was Stalin in power. The Result for the FR was that Napoleon gain power. When Stalin and Napoleon took over in there own countrys that jest made thing a bigger mess.