Friday, June 13, 2008

Final Essay

We need war because some people don't agree on the same stuff like using nuclear bomb. If someone is treating you with a nuclear bomb will you let them blow you up or are you going to fight. Sometime war can be bad and hurt loved one's but they are fighting for are safety. Sometimes people get mad and upset about fighting but we need to fight for are safety and freedom and not let others control us. This is important because if we had no army we would be concord and controlled by a different country.

We need war back then because if we didn't fight back then we would not be are own country right now and we would not be free to do what we wanted. If Washington did not fight and win the battles he won we wouldn't be are own country. If the wars didn't turn out the way they did meaning if Washington died, or if Rall read the Letter or even if the Indians took back what was theirs we might not be here today. We need war because how else is there to solve conflict. If we did not have a army the other country's would be able to come in an take us over.

If we did not have war today we would not be in Iraq today. Some people would think that as a good thing. It would not be a good thing because we would not have gone in and try to help the Iraq government. If we had no war today people would be blowing other country's up over stupid stuff because we had no war or army's to protect us. If there was no war today the world would not be safe or peaceful.

Final Essay

The Battle of Trenton was a famous battle. It was Washington's 1st Battle he won. If Rall read the letter would Washington win the battle. Would Washington still win the war if he did not win the battle and survived. It was Washington's 1st battle and he won it and made people still fight for him.

Washington get killed in the battle. Rall read the letter and stopped partying and ambushed Washington as he crossed the river. Would we have a good government. Would we still be under a king. We would not be free so we would not be able to go on a vacations, or go to party's and have a good time without having to go and ask the king if we can party.

This is important because we could have a different government today. If we were not free today we would have to ask the king to do stuff you wouldn't have to do in America today. If we had a king today we would have to pay more taxes. We would also have to ask the king if we could take are money and go on a Vacation. If Washington never won his 1st battle because Rall was dumb and never read the letter we today would probably be under the rule of a king.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Book Portfolio # 4

Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare, Published in 1599. Caesar gets killed by his best friend because they think he is gaining to much power. Power can make people vary selfish. It is important because if you have power you could be a good and give the people what they want or you can be a bad guy and do what you want and don't care what happens to the people.

Power can make people vary selfish. Marcus Brutus Caesar best friend told all the Roman people that he would have been dangerous if he had been named Emperor. He made everyone believe that he was a God. Gaius Cassius was the one that told Brutus that they should kill Caesar because he was going to have to much power when he wanted it him self. People that have power will either be good and help the people or be bad and do what they want.

In Julius Caesar it shows how he died. Gaius Cassius was a real person and did want to rule Rome. Brutus was a real person and didn't want Caesar to die but didn't want his country to go into a down fall. Caesar was a real person and tried to become king but got killed by his friends instead. If Caesar's friends would give up there friend than see there countries down fall then he would have been vary selfish.

Power can make people selfish. People that have power will either be good and help the people or be bad and do what they want. If Caesar's friends would give up there friend than see there countries down fall then he would have been vary selfish. They killed Caesar but the Empire still went down hill. If you have power you need to be responsible and do what is need for your country.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Revolution Notes

Revolution and War
Revolution Notes

1763—Proclamation Act
Created a line that made the Indians have all the land from the Aps. Mt.'s to the Pacific ocean. people can't go over the line.

1764—Grenville Acts (direct tax)
Sugar (molasses, wine)
Virtual/ Direct Representation
1 st tax's brit.s put on colonies. taxing because of the money they oh from the 7 years war.

1765—Stamp Act Congress
Sons of Liberty
Samuel Adams
Paul Revere
John Hancock
Lobsters (Lobster-backs, Thomas Lobster)
1 st time the colonies organize them self agents Britain.

1766—Declaratory Act
takes back the Grenville act but Britain can tax them on what ever they want.

1767—Townsend Acts (indirect tax)
Charles Townsend
Writs of Assistance (search warrants)
Revenue used to pay Royal officials in the colonies
Tea Act (glass, paper, paint) support British East India Company
2 nd set of tax's Britain on the colonies

1770—Boston Massacre
March 5, 1770
Local reaction (primarily)
5 dead colonists
John Adams defends British soldiers/5 exonerated-2 convicted
Convicted men discharged and thumbs branded
this event is used as propaganda.

1773—Boston Tea Party
November 30, 1773--Dartmouth sails into Boston Harbor
December 16, 1773--Tea dumped into harbor
340 chests of tea dumped (value of 10,000 British pounds)
it make Britain angry because it cost them money.

1774—Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts in Britain)
Close the port of Boston
Shut down Provincial and Town Governments
All offices appointed
Named General Thomas Gage as Governor
Gave all western lands north of the Ohio R. to Quebec, allowed Catholic Church to practice
these are different that the other acts it is about punishing and collecting money .

1774—1st Continental Congress
September to October (7 weeks)
Carpenter’s Hall, Philadelphia
New England—John Adams, Paul Revere, Silas Deane
Virginia—Washington, Patrick Henry, Peyton Randolph, Richard Henry Lee
Pennsylvania—John Dickenson, Joseph Galloway (Plan for American council under Parliament, to avoid war)
New York—John Jay, James Duane
Maryland—Samuel Chase (future Supreme Court Justice), Charles Carroll (richest man in Maryland, Catholic)
Declaration of Rights—rejects Parliamentary authority over internal colonial affairs, colonies manage own defense, united aid to Boston if Intolerable Acts continue, absolute boycott of British goods to be enforced rigidly
the colonies all angry they will help each other in a crisis.

1775— January
William Pitt urges Parliament to withdraw troops from America because the idea of managing the colonies through force was “too ridiculous to take up a moment of your lordships’ time”
william pitt predicts that the out come of the war before it even starts.

1775—April 19 Lexington and Concord
Gen. Gage sends 700 men to Concord to seize the powder supplies
Paul Revere and William Dawes raise alarm the night before
Town of Lexington is on the way to Concord
Minutemen are assembled on the town common
“Shot heard round the world”
18 colonials killed and the rest run away
British march on to Concord and find the munitions were moved overnight
Minutemen ambush the British the whole way back to Boston
430 Redcoats make it back to Boston
30,000 Colonists surround Boston
1 st battle of the war.

Gen. Howe, Gen. Clinton, Gen. Burgoyne
5,000 British troops
Ethan Allen, “Green Mountain Boys” seize Fort Ticonderoga
Henry Knox uses canon to lay siege on Boston
Benedict Arnold (Connecticut) takes Fort Crown Point to impede an invasion from Canada
the war is building.

1775—May 10, 2nd Continental Congress
Sam Adams pushes for Independence
John Dickenson (Penn.) urges restraint
Agree to form Colonial Army
Delegates unanimously agree to Washington as Commander of Continental Army (John Adams suggestion)
we form a national army.

1775—June 17, “Battle of Bunker Hill”
Actually fought on Breed’s Hill
Gen. Howe leads assault without canon support (his canon had been matched with wrong-sized cannonballs [Amherst at Ticonderoga])
Militia waited to within 30 yards (some say 15 yards)
Militia target British officers
Militia ran extremely low on ammunition
On the third assault, led by Gen. Howe, British troops overtake the colonial position
Britain losses almost 1000 men (about half the attacking force)
Colonials lose about 500 men
convinces the colonies they can win.

1776—January, Common Sense
Written by Thomas Paine
120,000 copies sold in three months
this convinces the people that they need to fight.

Gen. William Howe evacuates Boston
July 2, lands in Staten Island, New York (Loyalist base)

1776—Declaration of Independence
June 7, Richard Henry Lee (Virginia) introduces legislation to declare independence from Britain
Before voting on Lee’s proposal Congress appoints five-man committee (chosen by John Adams) to draft a formal Declaration of Independence (Thomas Jefferson, 33, does most of the writing)
June 28, Declaration presented to Congress
July 2, Congress approves Lee’s legislation to declare the United States of America independent of Great Britain
July 4, Congress officially adopts the Declaration of Independence
The Declaration intended to:
Undermine loyalty to King George III
Outline basic principles of representative government
Establish the “right” of rebellion
all colonies are now really united to fight Britain.


1776—August, Brooklyn Heights, New York
Largest Naval group Britain will launch until the 20th century
British victory, city falls to England
As winter came “sunshine patriots” left the American Army
Initial colonial enlistments due to expire
Washington 1 st battle, almost gets killed or capture and decides that he is going to spend most of his time running.

1776—December, Battle of Trenton
Howe believes war almost won
1,400 Hessians stationed at Trenton
Colonel Rall (Hessian) builds no fortifications
Washington “Crosses the Delaware” Christmas night
2,500 men; 18 artillery guns
Surprise attack at dawn
106 Hessians killed, 918 captured
No colonial casualties
Washington retreats in secret to avoid Gen. Cornwallis counter-attack
Washington 1 st win, because he has run so much he need this win in order to keep people willing to fight for him.

1777—January, Princeton
Washington ambushes British troops
Colonial victory establishes this will not be a quick war for Britain
Washington 2 nd win but not that big of a deal.

1777—September-October, Saratoga
Gen. Burgoyne plans a three-prong attack on colonials at Albany
Plan does not consider the terrain, forcing British troops to march through swamps, lakes, hills and forests full of rebels
Two of the three “prongs” never arrive (Howe goes to Philadelphia instead, St. Leger retreats to New York afraid of Benedict Arnold)
Sept. Burgoyne crosses Hudson River
Oct. 17, Burgoyne surrenders
Establishes American Army as real threat
Helps secure open French Alliance
Turning Point of the War

1777-1778—Winter at Valley Forge
Under-funded troops
Low morale
10,000+ troops
4,000 troops listed as “unfit for duty” due to poor supplies (boots, blankets, coats, etc.)
2,500 troops die of disease (typhus, typhoid fever, dysentery, pneumonia)
George Washington mentioned a lack of shoes so severe that the men's "marches might be tracked by the blood from their feet”
Local farmers would sell produce to Brits who could pay cash
lowest point in the war, Washington dose not know the French is going to come help. the Americans don't quit.

1779—February, Vincennes

1780—August, Camden

1780—October, Kings Mountain

1781—October, Yorktown
British Gen. Cornwallis
American Gen. Washington (also “Mad” Anthony Wayne, Baron von Steuben)
French Gen. Rochambeau (also Marquis de Lafayette)
Essentially a French Naval victory
Last significant battle of the war

Britain gives in after this (pitt was right January 1775).

1783—Sept. 3, Treaty of Paris
Britain recognizes American independence
America gets all land from Atlantic coast to Miss. River, Great Lakes to Florida
Fishing rights to the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and off the coast of Newfoundland
America must pay debts to Britain
American congress would “earnestly recommend” all Loyalist property returned (States ignore this request)
take 2 years to settle because America, Spain, France are trying to decide what they get.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

John Jay

John Jay was born in December 12, 1745 in New York City, New York. He graduated from King's College (now Columbia University) in 1764. He was appointed to the New York Committee of Correspondence, the Continental Congress and the New York Provincial Congress. He helped draft a constitution for New York and served as the states chief justice until 1779. He was President of the Continental Congress from December 10, 1778 to September 28, 1779.

John Jay made a treaty called the John Jay Treaty or the Treaty of London of 1794. It was to help solve many problems left over from the American Revolution. Thomas Jefferson was also involed in the treaty act. John Adams made a commented on the treaty and siad it was vary good. George Washington submitted the treaty to the United States Senate in June 1795. He also helped wright the Federalist Papers with James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. Jay also served as one of the Supreme Court members and was the first Chief Justice of the United States from 1789 to 1795. He served in the Supreme Court with Samuel Chase and James Wilson. After he wrote the treaty he was elected the governor of the New York state. He was governor from 1795-1801.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Mob VS. Soldiers

I think the Mob Should get nothing and the soldiers should get into big trouble. The soldiers shot with out a command from there caption and shot people.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Events Leading to Seven Years' War: (1754-1763)
King Williams War (1689 - 1697)
Fought in Europe
British fail to seize Quebec City
Queen Anne’s War (1702 – 1713)
French destroy Deerfield, Massachusetts
47 French and 200 Indians kill 5 Colonists
109 survivors taken captive – forced to Quebec City
1707 – Scotland joins England and Britain
King George’s War (1744 – 1748)
Most fighting takes place in Caribbean and Georgia
Between Spanish and English
French later join in and British capture part of Nova Scotia
"Seven Years War" is the name for the global conflict between France and England
"French and Indian War" is the name for the fighting just in North America (or the North American Theater of the Seven Years War)
5 Causes of French and Indian War
Disputed land between Appalachian Mts. And Mississippi River (the Ohio Country)
Both British and French want to control fur trade
Roman Catholic French V.S. Protestant English
Fishing Rights in New Foundland
British over-population

Friday, March 7, 2008

The founding of English colonies in modern Massachusetts combined a strange mix of idealism and violence. Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence. Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War. Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism. It is important to understand the full history of these areas because this is what Americans generally consider to be our nation's beginning.

Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence. Miles killed a guy because he thought the guy was planing to kill him. He stabbed the Indian with the Indians own knife that hanging around the Indian neck. He went into a hut and scared all the Indian so they where trying to run though the walls. That was how America started it was not jest all peaceful it was vary violent.

Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War. Church was in a battle with the Indians for over 6 hours with 20 men fighting over 300 Indians and won. When he kills king Phillip he has him cut up in to 6 pieces and has king Phillips hand pickled in a jar and his head put on a pole so every one can see. Church tells all of his men if they see a Indian they are to shoot them. Church did what ever he had to do keep him and his people alive and killed anyone who got in his way.

Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism. The Pilgrims wanted to have the Indians to fallow there laws and if they don't they would go to jail. They all so wanted Religious Freedom because they couldn't have that where they came from. The Pilgrims are the ones that started Harvard college because they believe that people should have a good education. The Pilgrims came here to have Peace but had to fight for it.

America was founded by the Pilgrims and they wanted peace but they has wars with the Indians because they where taking all of the Indians land. Standish had to fight to protect all of his people and he had to use violence so he could protect them. Church was a good leader because he was smart and strong and he could battle the Indians with jest 20 men and get away. Even though the Pilgrims were violent they jest wanted Freedom and peace. The founding of English colonies in modern Massachusetts combined a strange mix of idealism and violence. That was how America started it was not jest all peaceful it was vary violent. Church did what ever he had to do keep him and his people alive and killed anyone who got in his way. The Pilgrims came here to have Peace but had to fight for it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

book Protfolo

Dakota Bussell
English 10 B
Mr. Middlesart
1/15/08 RTL

In class we read the book Of Mice and Men By: John Steinbeck. The theme of this historical fiction book is friends will do any thing for each other. The theme was friends will do any thing for each other because Lennie said he would do any thing for George because he told him to. To start the book off George and Lennie was running to get away from the people that were trying to kill them for touching a girls dress. The events leading up to the climax was that curly wife was try to fool around with other farmers and curly fought Lennie but got his hand broken by Lennie big hands. The climax was when Lennie killed curly wife by accident because she was screaming her head off. The falling action was that Lennie did what George said and went down by the river. At the end George figured that the farmers were going to kill Lennie so George shot Lennie him self.
The two main character of the book was George and Lennie. George is small and smart and he travels with Lennie. He travels with Lennie because Lennie aunt told George to take care of him. Lennie is totally different because he is big really big and his last name is small and he like soft things. He is also mentally retarded. They both are looking for a job and they find one on a farm. They are both vary different but they are still friends.
I agree with the theme friends will do any thing for each other. At the end of the book Lennie said to him self that he would do any thing for him then when George came to him Lennie said that he would go and find a cave and leave George alone. I agree with it because it is true. I know it is true because I have a friend that will do any thing for me and I will do any thing for them to.
George and Lennie were vary believable because the way Steinbeck told us how and what they looked. The way he described the area around George and Lennie were as if I was them. The theme was believable because George told Lennie if he got into trouble that he was to go to the river that staid the night before that got to the ranch. Lennie got in trouble and he went where George told him to go. At the end Lennie told George that he would go up into the hills and go and find a cave and live by him self. Even though the end Of Mice and Men was sad John Steinbeck did a good job at showing Friends will do any thing for each other.

local History Pro.

Dakota Bussell Bussell 1
English 10B
Mr. Middleswart

History of St. Albans

St. Albans is a small town located in the center of the state of Maine that has vacationers that come in the summer to enjoy boating and fishing on Big Indian lake and its Streams. They also come to ride the trails with 4- Wheelers and mountain bikes on Devils Head Mountain, which great foliage in the fall. According to Sebasticook Valley Chamber of Commerce, These actives in the summer bring people here and increase the normal population from 1836 to 2836.
In years past farming was the normal living style. It was normal because that was how everyone got their food was by growing it in the summer. In 1816 there were 21 Barns and 22 houses. When all combined there was 19 horses, 27 oxen and 54 cows (History of St. Albans Maine). John Lyford owned the largest farm. He had 20 acres in mowing fields and 20 acres in pastures having the total of 40 acres he owned. He also had 4 cows, 4 oxen, 3 horses, 10 young live stock and 3 barns. Today it is owned by Kenneth and Phyllis Chambers (History of St. Albans Maine). They still
Bussell 2
have the largest farm in St. Albans as of right now. In 1860 the population increased to 1808. There were 285 horses, 533 milking cows, 319 working oxen, 688 other cattle, 2,565 sheep, 853 bales of wheat, 447 bales of rye, 7,429 bales of corn, 14,010 bales of oats and 6,700 lbs. of wool (History of St. Albans Maine/ Wikipedia). In 1960 my Grate Grandfather owned one of the largest herds in St. Albans (Cooney). In 1963 Elmer Chambers and his son Kenneth had the largest herd of cattle. 172 milking cows, 100 dry cows, which is cows to old to milk any more, and young live stock (History of St. Albans Maine). It is hard to grow fruit in Maine because of the weather but there is one person that knows how to and his name is Irving Parkman. “He would grow Apples, Pears, Plums and Cherries in the summer” (Cooney). He also made maple sugar candy that was sold though out New England (History of St. Albans Maine). Bernard and Lottie Weymouth grew and sold Strawberry. Larry Wintle and Newman Gee were the Poultry Framers of St. Albans. All of this shows how we have come a long in Farming.
In 1964 Omar Norton Became Superintendent of schools and S.A.D. 48 was formed. They formed with Hartland, St. Albans, Palmyra, Corinna, and Newport. Directors voted to elect Omar Norton as Superintendent of schools. He was making a salary rate of 12,000 per year. In July 1978 the
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Building committee of S.A.D. 48 met. Ruth Knowles requested to remodel the St. Albans school or build a new one. October 5, 1978 they approved the request for a new school. The school is 7/10 of a mile from the center of town. There is 9 class rooms, a cafeteria-auditorium, 2 conference rooms, a library and a office space (History of St. Albans Maine). I graduated from that school and when I go into it now I feel like a giant in the school.

Mid. Essay

The historical conditions in Germany in the early 1930's shows that they needed a leader and the Nazis step up to clam power. The conditions were bad and that some one needed to step in and help out the country. People thought that Nazis were good people and decided they would help.

They made every one believe that Jews were bad people because there was a Jewish person ruining around where the fire happened drunk. They made Camps to take the Jews and kill them jest because the Nazis said they were bad. Hitler took this power because it was a start to his plans to rule the world.

After a while people were getting scared of Hitler because of what he was to the Jews and they has vary little money. When people started to realize what was happening they wanted to help but were scared of what will happened to them if they stood up to the Nazis. When other countrys steped in then the German started to step up and helped.