Tuesday, January 15, 2008

book Protfolo

Dakota Bussell
English 10 B
Mr. Middlesart
1/15/08 RTL

In class we read the book Of Mice and Men By: John Steinbeck. The theme of this historical fiction book is friends will do any thing for each other. The theme was friends will do any thing for each other because Lennie said he would do any thing for George because he told him to. To start the book off George and Lennie was running to get away from the people that were trying to kill them for touching a girls dress. The events leading up to the climax was that curly wife was try to fool around with other farmers and curly fought Lennie but got his hand broken by Lennie big hands. The climax was when Lennie killed curly wife by accident because she was screaming her head off. The falling action was that Lennie did what George said and went down by the river. At the end George figured that the farmers were going to kill Lennie so George shot Lennie him self.
The two main character of the book was George and Lennie. George is small and smart and he travels with Lennie. He travels with Lennie because Lennie aunt told George to take care of him. Lennie is totally different because he is big really big and his last name is small and he like soft things. He is also mentally retarded. They both are looking for a job and they find one on a farm. They are both vary different but they are still friends.
I agree with the theme friends will do any thing for each other. At the end of the book Lennie said to him self that he would do any thing for him then when George came to him Lennie said that he would go and find a cave and leave George alone. I agree with it because it is true. I know it is true because I have a friend that will do any thing for me and I will do any thing for them to.
George and Lennie were vary believable because the way Steinbeck told us how and what they looked. The way he described the area around George and Lennie were as if I was them. The theme was believable because George told Lennie if he got into trouble that he was to go to the river that staid the night before that got to the ranch. Lennie got in trouble and he went where George told him to go. At the end Lennie told George that he would go up into the hills and go and find a cave and live by him self. Even though the end Of Mice and Men was sad John Steinbeck did a good job at showing Friends will do any thing for each other.

local History Pro.

Dakota Bussell Bussell 1
English 10B
Mr. Middleswart

History of St. Albans

St. Albans is a small town located in the center of the state of Maine that has vacationers that come in the summer to enjoy boating and fishing on Big Indian lake and its Streams. They also come to ride the trails with 4- Wheelers and mountain bikes on Devils Head Mountain, which great foliage in the fall. According to Sebasticook Valley Chamber of Commerce, These actives in the summer bring people here and increase the normal population from 1836 to 2836.
In years past farming was the normal living style. It was normal because that was how everyone got their food was by growing it in the summer. In 1816 there were 21 Barns and 22 houses. When all combined there was 19 horses, 27 oxen and 54 cows (History of St. Albans Maine). John Lyford owned the largest farm. He had 20 acres in mowing fields and 20 acres in pastures having the total of 40 acres he owned. He also had 4 cows, 4 oxen, 3 horses, 10 young live stock and 3 barns. Today it is owned by Kenneth and Phyllis Chambers (History of St. Albans Maine). They still
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have the largest farm in St. Albans as of right now. In 1860 the population increased to 1808. There were 285 horses, 533 milking cows, 319 working oxen, 688 other cattle, 2,565 sheep, 853 bales of wheat, 447 bales of rye, 7,429 bales of corn, 14,010 bales of oats and 6,700 lbs. of wool (History of St. Albans Maine/ Wikipedia). In 1960 my Grate Grandfather owned one of the largest herds in St. Albans (Cooney). In 1963 Elmer Chambers and his son Kenneth had the largest herd of cattle. 172 milking cows, 100 dry cows, which is cows to old to milk any more, and young live stock (History of St. Albans Maine). It is hard to grow fruit in Maine because of the weather but there is one person that knows how to and his name is Irving Parkman. “He would grow Apples, Pears, Plums and Cherries in the summer” (Cooney). He also made maple sugar candy that was sold though out New England (History of St. Albans Maine). Bernard and Lottie Weymouth grew and sold Strawberry. Larry Wintle and Newman Gee were the Poultry Framers of St. Albans. All of this shows how we have come a long in Farming.
In 1964 Omar Norton Became Superintendent of schools and S.A.D. 48 was formed. They formed with Hartland, St. Albans, Palmyra, Corinna, and Newport. Directors voted to elect Omar Norton as Superintendent of schools. He was making a salary rate of 12,000 per year. In July 1978 the
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Building committee of S.A.D. 48 met. Ruth Knowles requested to remodel the St. Albans school or build a new one. October 5, 1978 they approved the request for a new school. The school is 7/10 of a mile from the center of town. There is 9 class rooms, a cafeteria-auditorium, 2 conference rooms, a library and a office space (History of St. Albans Maine). I graduated from that school and when I go into it now I feel like a giant in the school.

Mid. Essay

The historical conditions in Germany in the early 1930's shows that they needed a leader and the Nazis step up to clam power. The conditions were bad and that some one needed to step in and help out the country. People thought that Nazis were good people and decided they would help.

They made every one believe that Jews were bad people because there was a Jewish person ruining around where the fire happened drunk. They made Camps to take the Jews and kill them jest because the Nazis said they were bad. Hitler took this power because it was a start to his plans to rule the world.

After a while people were getting scared of Hitler because of what he was to the Jews and they has vary little money. When people started to realize what was happening they wanted to help but were scared of what will happened to them if they stood up to the Nazis. When other countrys steped in then the German started to step up and helped.