Friday, June 13, 2008

Final Essay

We need war because some people don't agree on the same stuff like using nuclear bomb. If someone is treating you with a nuclear bomb will you let them blow you up or are you going to fight. Sometime war can be bad and hurt loved one's but they are fighting for are safety. Sometimes people get mad and upset about fighting but we need to fight for are safety and freedom and not let others control us. This is important because if we had no army we would be concord and controlled by a different country.

We need war back then because if we didn't fight back then we would not be are own country right now and we would not be free to do what we wanted. If Washington did not fight and win the battles he won we wouldn't be are own country. If the wars didn't turn out the way they did meaning if Washington died, or if Rall read the Letter or even if the Indians took back what was theirs we might not be here today. We need war because how else is there to solve conflict. If we did not have a army the other country's would be able to come in an take us over.

If we did not have war today we would not be in Iraq today. Some people would think that as a good thing. It would not be a good thing because we would not have gone in and try to help the Iraq government. If we had no war today people would be blowing other country's up over stupid stuff because we had no war or army's to protect us. If there was no war today the world would not be safe or peaceful.

Final Essay

The Battle of Trenton was a famous battle. It was Washington's 1st Battle he won. If Rall read the letter would Washington win the battle. Would Washington still win the war if he did not win the battle and survived. It was Washington's 1st battle and he won it and made people still fight for him.

Washington get killed in the battle. Rall read the letter and stopped partying and ambushed Washington as he crossed the river. Would we have a good government. Would we still be under a king. We would not be free so we would not be able to go on a vacations, or go to party's and have a good time without having to go and ask the king if we can party.

This is important because we could have a different government today. If we were not free today we would have to ask the king to do stuff you wouldn't have to do in America today. If we had a king today we would have to pay more taxes. We would also have to ask the king if we could take are money and go on a Vacation. If Washington never won his 1st battle because Rall was dumb and never read the letter we today would probably be under the rule of a king.